Renovation and expansion of the open gymnasium

Renovation and expansion of the open gymnasium As Foundation Ama Namin, we are delighted to announce that our project for the renovation and expansion of the open gymnasium has been successfully completed thanks to the generous sponsorship we have received. Our commitment to this project was based on our desire to support the community and […]

Activities completed for the canopy

Construction of the canopy completed. With great pleasure and pride, we are pleased to announce that the construction of the canopy has been completed. This comes at a wonderful moment as the school year is about to commence again, and the period of rain and wind is also approaching. With a lot of dedication, hard […]

Construction of the canopy has begun

Construction of the canopy has started Thanks to various donations, including from the Pelgrimshoeve in Zoetermeer, we have been able to start extending the existing canopy. With our current donation, we have been able to realize approximately 10 meters of additional canopy. Of course, the project is not completed with this, but it is a […]

Pencil Project – You can be a hero!

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Donated Sewing Machines arrive

Donated Sewing Machines arrived This month the sewing machines that we received from the Worldwide Foundation arrived in the Philippines. The sewing machines will be used to involve local mothers in making school uniforms for the children in the region. This project has already started and we hope to have the first uniforms delivered soon […]

Delivery of ordered chairs

Delivery chairs toddler class started​ On September 12, the delivery of the first load of chairs that we ordered for the toddler class at the Bulbugan school in Oriental Mindoro has started. These chairs are made in the area by a small entrepreneur who was eager to make the chairs for the children. We at […]

First local store opened

First local store opened The project of the local shop was completed on Saturday August 6-2022. The shop is open and operational. A new chapter with the support of the Ama Namin foundation. This shop is near the other project we are working on. This other project is the Bulbugan Primary School where children from […]

Preparations opening local store

Preparations opening local store Wednesday 13 july we started with the first steps to reopen a shop of a local entrepreneur in Oriental Mindoro. In collaboration with this store we want to stimulate the sale of local products. The intention of the Sari Sari store is that it will function as a kind of supermarket […]