On this page we would like to keep you informed of all and everything – by means of a timeline

Renee Zuidwijk

Kalayaan Fiesta Foundation donation Saturday, June 8, was once again the day when Philippine independence was celebrated in Spaarnwoude. This event is an annual tradition that brings the Filipino community together on this special day. In addition to many artists and stalls, there is always the opportunity for a pleasant

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Renee Zuidwijk

Renovation and expansion of the open gymnasium As Foundation Ama Namin, we are delighted to announce that our project for the renovation and expansion of the open gymnasium has been successfully completed thanks to the generous sponsorship we have received. Our commitment to this project was based on our desire

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Ama Namin Foundation
Renee Zuidwijk

A visit to one of our donors On May 17th, we visited De Pelgrimshoeve in Zoetermeer. This thrift store has supported us with a donation, enabling us to initiate an important project in the Philippines. As a token of our gratitude for their support, we are offering them Filipino ice

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Ama Namin Foundation
Renee Zuidwijk

Ama Namin Foundation on Liberation Day, May 5th. “On May 5th, Ama Namin Foundation participated in the Liberation Day celebration in Stompwijk. With a beautifully decorated stall, we dedicated ourselves to raising funds for our projects in the Philippines. Through the sale of delicious foods and other products, we not

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Ama Namin Foundation
Renee Zuidwijk

Foundation Ama Namin on King’s Day 2024 On April 27th,  Ama Namin Foundation proudly participated in the King’s Day celebration in Voorburg. With a beautifully decorated stall, we marked our presence and dedicated ourselves to a noble cause: raising funds for our projects in the Philippines. Through the sale of

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Renee Zuidwijk

Students receive rewards for their attendance and effort. Since the opening of the school year until March 2024, pencils and bags were distributed to students with perfect attendance. This reward acknowledged their commitment to regularly attending classes. Additionally, students who demonstrated their skills and talents in various subject areas, and

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Renee Zuidwijk

Donations received from RB-Media Last week, we received the news that three wonderful laptops were on their way to us. These laptops are intended to support the projects at Bulbugan Elementary School on Oriental Mindoro Island. Thanks to this donation, we can make it even easier for teachers to carry

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Ama Namin Foundation
Renee Zuidwijk

Benefit Dinner Ama Namin Foundation Saturday, February 3rd was a festive day. It marked the second anniversary of the registration of our Ama Namin Foundation. We celebrated this two-year milestone with a charity dinner, open to anyone interested in the activities of our foundation. Over the past years, we have

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Renee Zuidwijk

Charity Dinner by Ama Namin Foundation Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, With excitement and determination, we cordially invite you to an evening filled with hope and generosity at our Charity Dinner in support of Ama Namin Foundation, scheduled for February 3, 2024. This heartwarming event will take place at the charming

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Renee Zuidwijk

Update: Delivery of school chairs Thanks to your contributions and support, we were able to place the final order, have the chairs made, and successfully delivered on December 17th. With this, the chair project has been completed for now. While there might be a need for future chair replacements, the

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Renee Zuidwijk

Enjoying delicious treats to close out 2023 From the beginning of December until the 15th, there was a countdown for the teachers and students of Bulbugan Elementary School in Oriental Mindoro. To culminate this period, in collaboration with local volunteers, we ensured that over 300 children could delight in a

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Renee Zuidwijk

The donation box from LBC This December, we have once again received donations from various individuals for the Philippines, including a beautiful musical instrument for Bulbugan Elementary School. We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to LBC Milan for their support towards our foundation

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