A portion of the portfolios has arrived
Years ago, I received an offer from someone to receive a donation from a well-known transport company for BES. The only issue was the transportation, as it involved a large shipment.
Team Mansalay had the opportunity to meet Team Manila, which gave us the chance to inspect the donated materials—a type of portfolio. We were able to transport a portion of the materials, as they had been stored in one place for years and had become dirty over time.
When we were finally able to arrange transportation, Team Mansalay asked the children to help clean the materials before they were delivered. They had to travel for hours to bring these items to the schools. Not everyone could receive everything at once.
We still need to transport a second batch and require additional funds to make this possible. This second trip should be enough to provide all the children with these materials. Our plan is to complete this before the school year ends.