Kalayaan Fiesta Foundation donation 2024

Kalayaan Fiesta Foundation donation Saturday, June 8, was once again the day when Philippine independence was celebrated in Spaarnwoude. This event is an annual tradition that brings the Filipino community together on this special day. In addition to many artists and stalls, there is always the opportunity for a pleasant picnic where entertainment and camaraderie […]

Reward for students’ good effort.

Students receive rewards for their attendance and effort. Since the opening of the school year until March 2024, pencils and bags were distributed to students with perfect attendance. This reward acknowledged their commitment to regularly attending classes. Additionally, students who demonstrated their skills and talents in various subject areas, and who participated in and excelled […]

Benefit Dinner Ama Namin Foundation Feb 3

Benefit Dinner Ama Namin Foundation Saturday, February 3rd was a festive day. It marked the second anniversary of the registration of our Ama Namin Foundation. We celebrated this two-year milestone with a charity dinner, open to anyone interested in the activities of our foundation. Over the past years, we have achieved a lot, thanks to […]

Charity Dinner by Ama Namin Foundation

Charity Dinner by Ama Namin Foundation Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, With excitement and determination, we cordially invite you to an evening filled with hope and generosity at our Charity Dinner in support of Ama Namin Foundation, scheduled for February 3, 2024. This heartwarming event will take place at the charming Party Centre Kastanjehof, located in […]

Delivery of chairs in December

Update: Delivery of school chairs Thanks to your contributions and support, we were able to place the final order, have the chairs made, and successfully delivered on December 17th. With this, the chair project has been completed for now. While there might be a need for future chair replacements, the major work is now accomplished. […]

Donation of school supplies

School supplies and disinfection materials. In early April, we once again sent a box through Phil. 4 You, containing school supplies and disinfection materials that were made available for distribution. The children can make good use of these items for their studies. Of course, hygiene is also essential, which is why we were able to […]

Children delighted with the treat

Children delighted with the treat “Last week, our boxes arrived, which included the powdered drink mix in various flavors and the kruidnoten. We, as a foundation, were able to purchase these at a great discount after the holidays. It is a real treat for the children in the Philippines. It is wonderful to see that […]

Many hands make light work

Many hands make light work Many people are concerned with the projects that our foundation undertakes. Everyone wants to contribute. We regularly receive offers of help from family and friends in the form of handmade items and homemade crafts. Boxes have been made that can serve as packaging materials for gifts and items that we […]

Appreciation of D.O.E

Ama Namin Foundation

Appreciation of Department of Education​ We are proud to announce that we have received recognition from the Department of Education in the Mimaropa region, in particular the schools region in Oriental Mindoro. This recognition shows that the work we do for Bulbugan Primary School has not gone unnoticed and is highly appreciated. With this award […]